Introduction of MC R指定(R-shitei/ Aru shite/ Creepy nuts)
R指定(R-shitei) is a famous Japanese rapper, born in Osaka, Sakai, the contiounsly three-times ULTIMATE MC BATTLE Champion, well-known as a freestyle rapper. He's incredibly talented, brillant, always being so calm in battling, afraid of no one like a monster, he's definitely the king of freestyle rap in Japan so far.
R指定(Creepy nuts) 絶対王者と言われたの男
R指定出生於大阪府堺市, 高中起就在梅田街頭與人即興饒舌對戰, 攻佔各大MC大賽冠軍的即興饒舌天才, 在UMB創下三連霸紀錄, 雖然年紀很輕. 但對戰十分冷靜, 思路敏捷反應很快.
並與DJ松永組合Creepy nuts發行專輯.
ULTIMATE MC BATTLE (UMB) Yearly Champion Record List
R shite was the 3 years champions in UMB, the amazing record may be quite hard to break.
From senior high, R shite started MC batting activities on street in "Umeta " (which they call as "梅田サイファー " (Umeta Cypher)). After winning three times champion in UMB, he appeared in a MC battle TV show, called FREESTYLE DUNGEON as a regular guest during 2015-2017, which is hosted by a famous Japanese MC Zeebra, and thus R shite gained more popularity and released albums by the name of "Creepy nuts" with his partner DJ Matsunaga(松永).
Name姓名 Kyohei Nogami (野上恭平 )
Birthdate生日 Sep.10 1991
Birthplace出生地 Osaka, Japan
Partner 組合成員 DJ Matsunaga (松永)
於FREESTYLE DUNGEON MC battle 節目中為固定出賽班底(2015-2017), 與來自各地的挑戰者對戰, 不管怎樣的對手, 似乎都能游刃有餘.
比較可惜的是日本很注重版權問題, 2017年 FREESTYLE DUNGEON 節目從網路平台轉到電視後, youtube節目影片都關閉了,
偶爾能還是找得到一些佛心來著的鐵粉會po一些精彩片段 (下方分享,可能會被刪)
三連霸(R指定) vs 二連霸(晉平太)
看似火藥味濃厚, 其實兩人私下也是好朋友, 也有一起合作歌曲.
饒舌對決 精彩片段 → MC DOTAMA VS R指定 (影片&翻譯)
2015.08.26 剎那 ------------------------------------------------ |
2017.11.8 高校デビュー、大学デビュー、 全部失敗したけどメジャーデビュー ------------------------------------------------ |
2016.01.20 たりないふたり ------------------------------------------------ |
2017.02.01 助演男優賞 ------------------------------------------------ |
クリープ・ショー 2018.04.11 ------------------------------------------------ Coming soon |
More about R指定: WIKI Creepynuts official web Youtube Follow @Creepy_Nuts_
Popular song
TV program interview
More about R指定: WIKI Creepynuts official web Youtube Follow @Creepy_Nuts_